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Nuclear Medicine Testing

You can’t see what is going on inside … but we can!

To schedule a Nuclear Medicine scan please fax orders to 580-832-5076.

Call 580-832-3339 ext 200 with questions.

ExamCPT codeIndications
Myocardial Perfusion rest/stress gated78452ischemia vs infarction, SOB, CP, abnormal ETT, hx CAD, HTN, Diabetes, fam hx CAD
Myocardial viability / Thallium78452evaluation extent of infarct, assess viability for CABG
HIDA scan 78226RUQ pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, pancreatitis, bile leak, chronic cholecystitis
HIDA scan with EF 78227RUQ pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, pancreatitis, bile leak, chronic cholecystitis
Bone scan-whole body 78306evaluate metastatic disease, recent fall/trauma, compare prior CA
Three Phase Bone Scan78315extremity fracture, swelling and pain, stress fracture; cellulitis vs osteomyelitis
Gastric Emptying78264vomiting, nausea, early satiety, diabetes, GERD, gastroparesis
Thyroid Uptake and
78014differential diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodule, thyroid cancer, organification defects
Lung Scan: V/Q78582SOB, suspected PE
Liver Hemangioma78880Hepatic hemangioma, abnormal US or CT
Liver/Spleen Scan78215Eval size, position; abnormal LFTs, abnormal mass, hepatomegaly, accessory spleen, cirrhosis
Parathyroid scan78070adenoma, elevated serum calcium, PTH
Meckel's Diverticulum78290localize ectopic gastric mucosa in a Meckel's diverticulum as the source of unexplained Gl bleeding
Gl Bleed78278bright red blood per rectum
Renal Scan with
78708evaluate function; r/o obstruction
Lymphoscintigraphy78195identify the sentinel lymph node, or first lymph node of drainage from tumor

Matthew Reyna, CNMT